Defenders Class

When:  Every Sunday, after the morning service, at 1:00 pm

In our adult Christian class we are training ourselves to be better defenders of our Christian faith.  That means being able to better understand what exactly we believe as Christians and that it's true, how to explain it to others and how we can communicate that with "gentleness and respect" as 1 Peter 3:15 instructs us to do.   We have lively discussions about this while enjoying good food and fellowship.

You're wholeheartedly invited to attend, listen, bring your questions, ...

WORSHIP: Sun 10:30am
1725 Finch Ave West
Toronto, ON  M3N1M6

Contact us

  (416) 633-4021

Whether you're looking for a church family or just "browsing," we welcome you!  If you have a question of a spiritual nature, do not hesitate to contact us.  We would be delighted to help you find the answer.

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