
All of the church's resources are here to serve the Lord, as needed.  That said, as with any frequently used resource, used by many people, it needs to be managed well.  For regular (and special) services and events, no special arrangement needs to be made.  For those parking beyond those times, we have a parking agreement that must be completed; there is also a reasonable fee.  This helps the church make the best possible use of this resource.  You can access the form below.

WORSHIP: Sun 10:30am
1725 Finch Ave West
Toronto, ON  M3N1M6

Contact us

  (416) 633-4021

Whether you're looking for a church family or just "browsing," we welcome you!  If you have a question of a spiritual nature, do not hesitate to contact us.  We would be delighted to help you find the answer.

© 2007-2018 Northminster Baptist Church
All Rights Reserved.  (Admin)