A Young Woman's Journey of Discovery

I grew up attending Northminster Baptist Church from the age of 5 years old and NBC has always been a place where I felt welcome, no matter what has been going on in my life.  Church is the place where I've always felt loved, especially in my teen years when it was hard to love myself.  Even into university, I've struggled with loving who I am as a person because I have the tendency to be very self critical.

I have come to understand that His grace and mercy are enough.  God sees me at my worst and at my best, yet he still gives me grace and mercy each and every day.  I know I'm not perfect and that's okay; I am not meant to be perfect, I was created unique.  The act of loving ones' self is not about recognizing any type of physical or outward beauty.  To me it's about giving myself the time to understand things; it's about knowing its ok to mess up and that, at the end of the day, God has made me for who I am.

I am learning to become that Hannah, the Hannah that God sees and the Hannah that everyone at NBC has encouraged me to become.  I am smart and kind and loving and God is helping me see that in myself and to value those qualities, but also to understand that I still have room to grow.  Through NBC, I have come to know God's love and how to love and cherish every aspect in my life, even the hard parts.

WORSHIP: Sun 10:30am
1725 Finch Ave West
Toronto, ON  M3N1M6

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